circular dependencies in aptitude?

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jun 10 20:15:21 UTC 2010

On 06/10/2010 01:03 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 06/10/2010 05:54 AM, Calcpage wrote:
>> On Jun 8, 2010, at 10:19 PM, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
>>> On 06/08/2010 07:12 PM, Calcpage wrote:
>>>> On Jun 8, 2010, at 8:31 PM, NoOp ...
>>>>> However, you could have installed the .debs instead:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> bin, jre, plugin for your architechture. For example if you have a
>>>>> 64bit:
>>>>> <
>>>>> <
>>>>> <
> ...
>> OK, I downloaded all the *.debs you listed from 
>>   and still no joy.  I tried installing the bin file using nautilus as  
>> you advised and it required the jre.  Then I tried installing the jre  
>> and it needed java-common which I got from and it  
>> installed fine.  Then I tried the jre again and it needs the bin???   
>> Still circular....
> I'm not sure what the issue might be. I downloaded the i386 files and
> installed all w/o issue. Haven't time to try the amd64 files today.

Nevermind... I forgot that I had a network connection when I installed
the debs. I purged and retried without a network connection & see that
the bin file is trying to go out and download the jre file (which is
already in the same folder). Sorry, I'll have to rethink how to package
them all together for offline install.

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