setup wireless connection

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at
Sun Jun 6 22:03:33 UTC 2010

On 06/06/2010 03:29 PM, Johnneylee Rollins wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Johnneylee Rollins
> <johnneylee.rollins at>  wrote:
>>>>>>> That might be the problem right there.  I suspect that the router's encryption
>>>>>>> is set to WEP, while the computer's encryption is set to a WPA/WPA2
>>>>>>> configuration.  Is there any truth to this?
                 This is what makes people not sure what is going on. 
But I understand. The writer thinks it possible that the router is using 
WEP a special kind of password. And then he blows it by talking about 
the "computers encryption" set to a WPA/WPA2 configuration, ie: a plain 
password. I use this and it is easy. What the computer has is a method 
to reach the router which might be Network Manager NM, and THIS might 
have a password set.
>>>>>> Excuse my ignorance but I don't think I've ever encountered setting wep
>>>>>> or wpa on a computer. The only encryption setting for wep or wpa I'm
>>>>>> aware of is on my router's configuration site and that is for the router
>>>>>> only. Please enlighten me.
     Excellent question whoever asked it.
>>>>>        Let me try to be easy to understand. The easiest way to setup YOUR
>>>>> wireless router is to use no security. Then anyone can use your wifi
>>>>> that can hear it. This will work most of the time, but in my case
>>>>> someone near found my unprotected wifi and went work surfing the web
>>>>> sites :-)
     This is part of what I wrote and I know it is correct in every 
detail. What has been left off was my advice on how to set up a WAP/WAP2 
password on the router, and his computer.

     Now you all had fun telling me I do not understand this question. 
Pray tell what did I miss?

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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