Ubuntu Cloud

J dreadpiratejeff at gmail.com
Sat Jun 5 21:28:05 UTC 2010

On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 17:22, Mark C. Miller <mr.mcmiller at gmail.com> wrote:
> Please excuse if this is double posted ... I changed to Thunderbird as
> my nttp server and am not sure previous emails went out.

The previous e-mails went out, or at least, THIS post went out and was
posted to the list yesterday, and was replied to by three of us.

> Two of my three systems, after the most recent update, no longer had the
> Ubuntu Cloud shortcut in the upper panel.  It's not included in
> accessories or internet under Applications either.

The Cloud icon disappeared in 10.04, in favor of moving the button to
the Me Menu. (click on your user name in the top right corner and look
for Ubuntu One)

> I don't know where else to look.
> Is there something I can force (some sort of apt-get command maybe)
> these systems to reacquire connectivity to the cloud?

As for testing connectivity, open a terminal and run this command:

u1sdtool --status

and send the output in your reply...

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