To all those who have tried to use vlc to view TV channels on their computers

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sat Jul 31 03:04:05 UTC 2010

On 31/07/2010 02:23, Stephen Michael Kuhn wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 11:20:30 pm Basil Chupin wrote:
>> Strange, isn't it? Some many years ago a friend told me the formula for
>> making napalm - and I also found the prescription for it on the fledging
>> internet at that time, including a great many formulae for making all
>> sorts of things which go "bang in the night". All this was freely
>> available at the time. But can't even go searching on the
>> word "crack" without being reported to "Those Who Protect Your Way of
>> Life Against Liberty, Evil, and Naughty Words!".
>> BC
> ...that's Senator Conroy...

No, it's not Conroy. He's scheme is not off the ground yet - the 
election has put his brainless scam on hold.

This whole thing started years ago - you know where - because of 
"national security".

> (Who in the heck voted this bloke in in the first place, and now Joe Hockey
> wants to chuck out the laptop for schoolies?

Well, I actually tend to agree with him on this one. Not as a blanket 
measure, but it should be controlled.

Every kid and his dog now has a computer - even laptops, so why should 
they get a laptop which they will use for a very short time while at 
school, and which is obsolete even before s/he even gets it? Not to 
mention that they come preloaded with you know what for which the 
government is paying millions of dollars in licence fees? (There are 
also conditions attached to the use of these laptops.)

No, if these lapwarmers were to be directed solely at the outback kids 
then maybe the scheme would be worth it......

>   Lovely Oz, lovely Oz)

Yep, you're right! Every frog praises its own pond.......


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