VNC vs RDP (was Re: vnc)

Preston Hagar prestonh at
Fri Jul 30 21:15:38 UTC 2010

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 4:10 PM, A. Jorge Garcia <calcpage at> wrote:
> Is vnc in Ubuntu equivalent to rdp in windows?  I was told I could
> control my desktop via an iPad with either protocol.
> TIA,
> A. Jorge Garcia
> Teacher & Professor
> Applied Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
> Baldwin Senior High School & Nassau Community College

I changed the subject since that question should be in a new thread.
Anyway, VNC and RDP have the same general goals, to show a desktop of
one machine on another across a network.  That said, I know there are
RDP clients in Linux and I think there are RDP servers for Linux and I
know there are VNC servers and clients for Windows, so they aren't
specifically tied to one OS.  I like tightVNC for windows, and
grdesktop as a nice, graphical RDP client for Linux.

Hope this answers your question.


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