How do I upgrade Ubuntu OS from the CD.

Stephen Michael Kuhn yank.down.under at
Fri Jul 30 00:55:51 UTC 2010

On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 05:41:03 am Karl Larsen wrote:

>          I recall that if you select to not format the disk, and then
> load the new version on top of the old this is a lot like upgrading.
> 73 Karl

...or like painting over yer walls without cleaning/sanding/prepping 'em.

.:yankdownunder aka s.m.kuhn aka Elf:.
.:If it's not Ubuntu, it's just NOT:.
.:|GNU/Linux Registered User:267497|:.
Linux 2.6.32-24-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 5 09:22:14 UTC 2010
"Neighbors!!  We got neighbors!  We ain't supposed to have any neighbors, and
I just had to shoot one."
		-- Post Bros. Comics

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