Find Big Files or Big Directories
glgxg at
Thu Jul 29 22:46:35 UTC 2010
On 07/29/2010 03:34 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 07/29/2010 06:28 AM, Maxime Alarie wrote:
> ...
>> This server is backup using rsync. But I have found out that the target
>> hd was not mounted and that's probably the cause of my problem. I've
>> been trying to find the temp files, but I did not found any, I guess
>> rsync detects if the targer directory exists and canels the backup.
>> I Only have 50GB out of 225GB that is returned by du -shc / but df tells
>> me the hdd is 90% full.
> You wrote previously:
>> 52G var
> Look in /var & /var/backup
> Try this:
> $ sudo du -h --max-depth=1 /var/ | sort -n -r
> You can then go deeper by changing the '--max-depth=2' etc.
Sorry, this might be better for you:
$ sudo du --max-depth=2 /var/ | sort -n
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