Adobe flash

Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Wed Jul 28 06:54:52 UTC 2010

On 7/28/10 1:50 AM, Hakan Koseoglu wrote:
> You are right. You are like a elephant in a china shop. Having an
> add-on which blocks Flash and then complaining none of the Flash-based
> sites won't work is a good one. I should keep this thread for a
> submission to DailyWTF.

I don't know if it quite qualifies for that since anybody can make a 
mistake like that.  I mean, a lot of sites provide some sort of 
usability with the mobile market trampling a really high percentage of 
internet traffic. So when you finally do reach a site that has no 
alternative, and you wonder why it doesn't work, you start wondering how 
and why the hell it doesn't work, because it's been so long you ran into 
the issue based on the fact that most sites have non-flash alternatives, 
and you forgot about Flash.

The same thing has happened to me with JavaScript, I'll disable all 
JavaScript to test my site, forgot I turned off JavaScript, and 
eventually run into a site with horrible programmers and wonder why it 
doesn't work and have to double check :/

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