Firefox 3.6.8 and Thunderbird 3.0.6

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at
Tue Jul 27 13:49:20 UTC 2010

     Got a large update to Firefox and Thunderbird this morning. I 
rebooted the computer. Both Firefox and Thunderbird when coming up  
talked about external drivers and the the system loaded. I checked and 
clicking a URL in a message on Thunderbird brings the URL up on Firefox 

     Thunderbird appears to be working just as it was. I went to the 
java test web page with Firefox and it said I have java installed, but 
recommended a later version. I went to some movie trailers on a NY Times 
page and Firefox could not open them. This indicates a loss of the Adobe 
Flash files.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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