[wifi adapter] Re: cannot install ubuntu on older HP computer

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 26 23:27:48 UTC 2010

On 07/26/2010 03:03 PM, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
> On 7/26/10 3:09 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> So, can anyone simply answer the lady's question&  provide a reasonably
>> priced wifi adapter that she can use on her system w/Ubuntu?
>> And FWIW: I pretty much avoid ndiswrapper if at all possible. Seems
>> sensible to me to get hardware that works without it.
> Belkin adapters are the best for Linux, they are 1.) Cheap, 2.) Contain 
> a chipset that Linux seems to love and 3.) Did I mention they're the 
> most common because they're cheap? A lot of people use the F5D7050 works 
> well with Ubuntu... 
> http://www.walmart.com/ip/Belkin-F5D7050-Wireless-G-54Mbps-USB-Network-Adapter/3756936
> If you want to go the easy route though, Asus (a company I'm known to 
> love because they make the best motherboards if you wanna hack some 
> serious shit up ~ *cough* dual boot Debian + Hakintosh anybody?) I would 
> recommend this stick 
> http://www.asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=UI3ejenXyxqQTIcJ&templete=2 (which 
> Walmart sells) 
> http://www.walmart.com/ip/ASUS-USB-N13-Wireless-Adapter/13907689?findingMethod=rr 
> it's actually cheaper than the Belkin adapter too @ $22.84, and known to 
> be more reliable.  The Asus card has Linux drivers as well, from Linux 
> as you'll quickly see if you visit the Asus link I provided.

Thanks Jordon. Over to you grandma Antczak :-)

BTW: many of us on this list are proud grandparents as well :-)

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