Console comannds

Tim Henderson bizdev at
Sun Jul 25 00:25:27 UTC 2010

> I _think_ that you're looking for for something like this?
> If so, I do not know how to do that in bash&  think that you'll need to
> switch to tcsh instead.
> $ sudo apt-get install tcsh

Well that's helpful except the stty command doesnt work like that in 
Linux/Ubuntu.  Anyone know what the stty command is to enable the 
"status" command?  Or does anyone konw the command?  Some of the 
defaults work, but this one (my fave) does not.

> Others on this list are familiar with both&  can point you to how to
> change the shell enviroment etc. I don't know enough about it to comment
> further... sorry.
> These may be of help:

Cake.  I work in a Unix environment.  I use 'em all.  Thx anyways.

Tim H.

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