Ultimate Edition 2.8 need some help...
Basil Chupin
blchupin at iinet.net.au
Tue Jul 20 08:44:40 UTC 2010
On 20/07/10 06:03, NoOp wrote:
> On 07/19/2010 07:24 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 19/07/10 23:03, Larry wrote:
> [...*Please* trim your posts...]
>>> *I just want to add this, since I do have a Geforce4 mx 440 128mb ram
>>> card...So far it has worked just fine
>>> using Ultimate Edition 2.6, 2.7& 2.8 the beta one...
>>> I use the Nvidia driver 96.43.17, I am not sure if the 173 driver
>>> works or not, since I have never
>>> really tried it...
>> If my memory serves me right, I think that you will find that the #173
>> will work with it. Try it - just use the Hardware Drivers option to
>> install it and if it doesn't work then de-activate it and go for the
>> first one on the list which I think is the #96.
> The archives for this thread will serve you better :-)
> <quote>
>> 3) The 173 driver supports GeForce 4? Perhaps you can write a mod to:
>> http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/nvidia-173
>> <quote>
>> GPUs ranging from GeForce series 5 to Geforce series 9 are supported.
>> </quote>
>> "He has a GeForce4 MX 440."
> </quote>
> <quote>
>> http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_96.43.16.html
>> http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.25.html
>> Click 'Supported Products' on both.
> </quote>
> So, I'll repeat: the 173 driver _does not_ support GeForce 4.
Alright already :-) . I was working from memory and you found some
written comments. So, the #173 according to this doesn't support the 440
:-) .
But then you quoted recently something which stated that the 5500 was
supported by the #256 driver - and I proved last night that it isn't (or
at least not with openSUSE 11.2 on my wife's computer) :-) .
You win some, you lose some....
(Once you hit the age of 20 or so your "little grey cells" start to go
downhill quite rapidly :-) .)
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