Missing Hibernate on 10.04 laptop - how to correct? Progress made

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 18 19:44:39 UTC 2010

On 07/18/2010 11:48 AM, Jay Ridgley wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 14:10:30 +0100 From: Tony Pursell ...
>> Try 
>> sudo swapon
>> also
>> swapon -s -h -V
>> for information
>> Tony
> Thanks a bunch for the tip (see below)
> Action taken:
> issued sudo swapon -a
> got: swapon: Cannot find the device for UUID+fc3d...
> changed the entry in /etc/fstab to use /dev/sda5 instead of the UUID value.
> reissued the sudo swapon -a command, it worked and top now shows the expected 
> value for swap.
> The Hibernate entry still does not show, however, I expect that a reboot will 
> solve that. If not how do I proceed?
> Note: I had noticed a message during boot about device with the same UUID as 
> being not ready but since the system continued to boot and came up I figured 
> that all was OK. WRONG!

Now try putting a correct uuid back & see if it works:

$ sudo blkid

Check your /dev/sdb5 /swap uuid - example:
/dev/sdb5: UUID="016b6d9f-9dce-4cb2-ac20-ec9e4d123456" TYPE="swap"

and modify your /etc/fstab accordingly:

UUID=016b6d9f-9dce-4cb2-ac20-ec9e4d123456 none swap sw 0 0

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