unmunch not found after hunspell-en-us is installed

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Wed Jul 14 16:40:21 UTC 2010

Peng Yu wrote:
> I installed hunspell-en-us. hunspell should have the command unmunch.
> But I don't find it. Is there any additional package that I need to
> install to see all the binary from hunspell?

In a terminal enter the command unmunch and you will see something like 
this (if you have "command-not-found" installed):

The program 'unmunch' can be found in the following packages:
 * hunspell-tools
 * myspell-tools
Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>

Or you could install the package apt-file and use the command

apt-file search unmunch

that will tell you which packages have a file with that name:

hunspell-tools: /usr/bin/unmunch
libhunspell-dev: /usr/include/unmunch.h
myspell-tools: /usr/bin/unmunch


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