java class decompiler

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at
Tue Jul 13 23:21:47 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 5:53 PM, Christopher Chan <
christopher.chan at> wrote:

> On Tuesday, July 13, 2010 03:02 AM, Changlei xiong wrote:
> > Thanks, but it seems that package is quite old? the latest version was
> > from 2004?
> >
> If it works, it works right? Just don't expect it to 'fix up' obfuscated
> code into something more intelligent.
In principle, the bytecodes have not changed since the inception of Java.
 In practice only the worst bugs have been fixed.  Sun's insistence on this
was the source of a lawsuit and the reason
that M$ now uses their own language and VM (C# and .net).

So all the new language features are translated into old bytecodes.  It's
the reason why generics behave so oddly -- they don't do anything that Java
1.1 couldn't do, they just allow prettier code.
A decompiler is likely to give you the 1.1 version.  The upside is that the
old decompiler will decompile even the newest of class files.

This is the price of true portability.

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD
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