Windows Rant

chris chevhq at
Tue Jul 13 04:22:47 UTC 2010

On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:17:22 -0500
Jordon Bedwell <jordon at> wrote:

> On 7/12/2010 8:06 PM, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> > On 07/12/2010 08:10 PM, Liam Proven wrote:
> >>> I might well be wrong, but I don't think there was hardrives in
> >>> the mid
> >>>>> 1970's. If there were I must have been  dumb as a stump as we
> >>>>> used tape drives.  A good friend of mine was using a wire
> >>>>> recorder to save to and they were popular in the early
> >>>>> 1950's .   My first Windows computer was a lap top with Windows
> >>>>> 3.1  and that was used and  was about 1989 and I think the 3.5
> >>>>> floppies were pretty new even that late. Doug
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>>  That would be a "LugAble" but I doubt that a (used) 1989 version
> >>> would be able to run an OS that was not released for another 2
> >>> years, and I doubt it would have been much fun with a mono
> >>> display Black/Orange, Black/Green or the then "new" Black/White
> >>    
> > I bought that laptop in 1989 or maybe 1990 but it was several years
> > old it had a black and white displays I wrote a book on it and have
> > a stack of about 40,  3.5 floppy disks in my desk.
> >      What's a lugable.  I don't remember ever hearing that 
> > term.                    Doug
> > 
> The best computer of all time was the Luggable:
> Don't
> tell me you forgot about the Osborne 1, sad but true story, the
> military still uses a "modern" luggable design for their field
> computers.

I had forgotten about the Osborne.  Actually not a bad machine.  Just
took a crane to lift into the car.  :-)
Cheers The Kiwi

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