document management choices

Patton Echols p.echols at
Mon Jul 12 21:54:52 UTC 2010


I have a project coming up that requires some intensive document 
examination.  I have been looking for a document manager.  So far I have 
not installed any to try because none seem to do what I need.  I need 
something that starts with the obvious functions, listing documents by 
creation date, modified date if any, author, document name and 
description, giving the user the chance to change the latter.  The 
documents I'll be dealing with will mostly be PDFs.  Some will be images 
of documents, others will contain text. 

Most important, I need to be able to view a document, take notes on it 
and have the notes attach to the document in question.  Then, I need to 
be able to both search my notes as well as generate a report of my 
notes.  In a perfect world, the ability to OCR the documents (or text 
extract) and save that to a searchable field separate from notes would 
be great.  As would the ability to add arbitrary categories to documents 
so I could group differently than I receive them.

The DMS that I have looked at seem to be focused on version control, 
some with searcability, but none with the note taking ability. 

Thanks for any thoughts. 


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