copy protected media
nepal.roade at
Mon Jul 12 08:25:50 UTC 2010
On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 19:45:14 -0400
Michael Haney <thezorch at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 10:10 AM, nepal <nepal.roade at>
> wrote:
> > A friend has just lent me a couple of Pride DVDs but I notice they
> > are marked with a CP symbol and I cannot watch either of these
> > DVDs, they do something weird and skip to the end of the disk.
> >
> > I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 and I've tried a few different players, vlc,
> > mplayer, moovida, even Totem which never works properly and doesn't
> > for this either.
> >
> > Is this the new state of affairs for media? I can be legally sold
> > useless media, media that will not play in my standard piece of kit?
> >
> > It certainly doesn't seem to be making me want to go and spend
> > money of packaged media...
> >
> This is a perfect example of why DRM hurts consumers but does NOTHING
> to stop professional pirates. The "goal" of DRM is impossible to
> attain, because if it can be viewed or listened to it CAN be copied.
> It all comes down to greed. If the media barons could get away with
> it the original DIVX (not the video file format) players wouldn't have
> flopped and we'd be paying again and again and again for the same
> movies. What are they going to do next? Force us to wear special
> headgear that scans our thoughts so they can charge us money every
> time we hear a song in our heads?
> Some big media R&D lab somewhere is probably working on the idea.
Despite what others say Micheal, I say well said,
[much needed reminder rant]
I'm also sick of having to try to replace old players with new, and old
formats with new formats. They are just selling media, but with the
content I may have bought (the rights to listen/watch AFAIC) long long
ago on a now defunct format. This is nothing short of criminal! and
backed by criminal law with their criminal law enforcers. Well, bend
over and take it is not an option anymore.
Copywright and patents do nothing but serve the interests of the large
media companies and protect their (criminal IMNSHO) revenue streams.
I for one am thoroughly sick at the way merchants of greed with their
crooked lying politicians have taken over the planet. Together they
have stolen my heritiage and sold it for a percentage. Well I'm not
interested in supporting that, and protecting them, but I am
interested in protecting people FROM them.
[/rant off ]
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