copy protected media

chris chevhq at
Mon Jul 12 01:33:58 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-07-11 at 20:51 -0400, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> On 07/11/2010 07:30 PM, A. Kromic wrote:
> > On 12/07/10 01:13, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> >    
> >> I worked on TV
> >> commercials and based on that, And I am going here from memory  I think
> >> the term may have been Indefinitely.  I wouldn't go to court with only
> >> this in my pocket But I believe I am right.  In any case Life plus 90
> >> years is as much a rip off as forever for all practical purposes when
> >> compared to the patent of a productive invention for twenty years.
> >> There was a time when automotive inventions were only good for one year
> >> for fear that one Auto manufacturer  would run all the others out of
> >> business in a couple years time.
> >>        Think about this, it is within the real possibility that a
> >> software manufacturer could write a program so innovative that no one
> >> could write  a competitive program and no one could compete for 190
> >> years.  I guess we will have to wait to see if that happens??
> >>
> >>            Doug
> >>
> >>
> >>      
> > Copyright cannot  last indefinitely by its very concept. Of course, such
> > lengths make it look so from our viewpoint - most (all?) of us will not
> > see the copyrights of works made today lapse during our lifetimes...
> >
> > And the innovative program you mentioned, copyright has nothing with it.
> > It doesn't stop people to recreate the same functionality in another
> > similar program (clone it); well perhaps if a revolutionary algorithm is
> > invented which cannot be easily figured out, but I don't believe even
> > that would prevent people to compete. The actual danger lurking in such
> > cases are software patents...
> >
> > A.Kromic
> >
> >    
> Even software programs if patented would only be good for twenty years. 
> Of course that is a lifetime in computer devopment time.  At the same 
> time they patent medicine, and 20 years may be lifetime there too.  As 
> to an inovative program that runs everyone else out of buisness, it may 
> not have been conceived of yet but just because we can't imagine it, 
> doesn't mean it is not a possibility.  When I was a kid in school a 
> computer was unimaginable too.  I am curious now and will check on the 
> copyright time length on a performance.  I am sure there is info on this 
> on line.  I know that about everybody that worked in the business 
> thought it was so?      Doug

It does vary from country to country except where international treaties
are involved.  For example in NZ some concepts can only be copyrighted
for 7 years

Cheers the kiwi

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