Windows Rant

Calcpage calcpage at
Sun Jul 11 21:32:47 UTC 2010

On Jul 11, 2010, at 3:57 PM, Karl Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:

> On 07/11/2010 01:27 PM, A. Jorge Garcia wrote:
>>> Please don't tell me it was for Lotus 1-2-3 or Wordperfect.
>> Believe it or not, we did do a lot with BASIC, Lotus, WordStar and
>> DBase in those days....  Well, before we had PCs, we had GIMIX  
>> (like an
>> early Linux that ran UNIX apps on a mini computer) and dumb
>> terminals....
>> I remember getting Windows 2.0 on multiple floppy disks (the real
>> floppy 5.25" disks with cardboard covers) for free at PC Expo in
>> Manhattan in 1989?
>> Anyone remember PCs before Windows and the Web??
>> Anyone remember SneakerNet and PCs without hard drives or graphics???
>     Heck Yes! In my storage is a computer I bought around 1960. It
> arrived and had 2 3.5 inch floppies and it had 16 Meg of RAM. A  
> keyboard
> and small Black and White monitor rounded out the thing. It ran DOS  
> and
> the Operating System was on a "Master" floppy in the left drive, and  
> my
> programs went into the right floppy. I learned a good deal of Basic
> while using this machine.
>     I decided to upgrade this computer and ordered a Hard Drive with a
> very fast access compared to a floppy :-)
>     It arrived in a wooden Crate and the Hard Drive was suspended by
> springs in the center and cost like $250.00. It had a full 40 MB of
> space :-)
>     I had this on the for-runner of the Internet which was just a bbs
> that sent data to a hill mounted repeater to another bbs. Great fun
> since we had no idea how nice the Internet would be.
> 73 Karl
> -- 
>    Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
>    Linux User
>    #450462
>         Key ID = 3951B48D

I remember our first hdd was 10 MB!  Our first upgrade was to 640 KB  
of RAM.  At the time, I think it was Steve Jobs who said, "640 KB!   
Who would ever need so much?"

A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math & CS
Baldwin SHS & Nassau CC
Sent from my iPod

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