Firefox internet access detection

R Kimber richardkimber at
Tue Jul 6 15:05:06 UTC 2010

On Tue, 06 Jul 2010 13:35:36 +0100
Dave Howorth wrote:

> R Kimber wrote:
> > Bearing in mind that my PC is continually accessing the internet (news,
> > mail, ntp, boinc, etc), is there a simple app that, when I load a
> > *local* web page in my browser, would tell me if that page is accessing
> > the internet and what site it is accessing? I.e. I need to be able to
> > distinguish between what the browser (Firefox) is doing and what
> > everything else is doing. I suppose a Firefox add-on would be the
> > answer, but I don't know of one. Any suggestions?
> firebug will show you what requests are being made, among many other
> things.

Thanks. I have tried firebug before, but (unless I've not learnt to use it
correctly) it shows all requests.  Is there a way of filtering out requests
to the local server, so that I can see more clearly (and quickly) what
external requests are being made?

- Richard.
Richard Kimber
Political Science Resources

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