Leaving Ubuntu back to Windows

rbv rajaramanbv at gmail.com
Sun Jul 4 00:05:26 UTC 2010

On Sunday 04 July 2010 05:26 AM, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> On 07/03/2010 04:44 PM, rbv wrote:
>> May be Ubuntu is not for people like me, with very limited or no 
>> knowledge of software technology.
>> Brasaro has spoiled my DVD RW, all types, Blanking them has left them 
>> unusable again anywhere.
>> Would not read USBs,  USB mouse hangs every now and then, i have to 
>> unplug and plug again and again in different USB ports, suddenly in 
>> one of them it will work for some time.
>> Browser crashed often, after the latest update.
>> Machine makes a lot of grinder noise, when i insert an ordinary movie 
>> CD or DVD to play,
>> It is its wim and wish, to read or not to read any CD or DVD.
>> I have been not been able to install my nVidia graphic card, when i 
>> activate it the system would not start. It simply hangs, with a 
>> curser at the right corner of the screen blinking happily forever. I 
>> have to cut the electric supply and retry again to the same effect, 
>> forceing to start with live DVD and reinstall all over, formatting my 
>> hard disk. It is pathetic i cannot use my graphic card.
>> Lot of Java problems.  NSEindia.com.
>> I am afraid , the forum is not for people like me, but only for 
>> experts in software.
>> By paying some money i get a Fit it and Forget it OS in Windows, am i 
>> wrong.
>> I may be asked for details, only to be rediculed, about my lack of 
>> knowledge.
>> Most of the applications MAY be updated and not supported or 
>> certified by Ubuntu. For Windows, there are any number of Free 
>> software for any task.
>> My children can not play any of the game demos even.
>> I may be called childish, but for a simpleton like me, do i have a 
>> choice.
>> regards
>> Rbv,  You are not childish or a simpleton.  This can be hard if you 
>> are not software savy at least in the beginning. It is worth the 
>> starting hassle. Once you get it working you will still be agravated 
>> at times as I am.  IF I were you I would buy Windows and get the help 
>> to to dual boot system on your computer.  You can fall back to 
>> windows when you are trying to get some project done that is 
>> temporarley over your head in linux and you don't have time to 
>> learn.  As you gain experience you will find you will go back to 
>> windows less and less and you will feel alot of pride as you become 
>> more proficiant with Ubuntu.   I am 76 years old and learning comes 
>> hard at my age. It's not about being smart it's a matter of hanging 
>> in there.  In Ubuntu you have the advantage of using every concivable 
>> kind of program to do almost anything that can be done on a computer. 
>> You have a program that is safe and a program you don't have to buy a 
>> virus program for every year.  I have Cinelerra on my computer and I 
>> did not pay one red cent for it. though I think I did offer make a 
>> small donation.  I guarantee you it will be continually upgraded not 
>> become obsolete. I had Premier on Windows it cost a pile of money and 
>> a few years ago when I up graded to XP it would no longer work.  
>> Every time I get hot around the colar and even concider going back to 
>> Windows I think about that.  Not only that it is a wonderful thing to 
>> use software that users have helped to write, many of them  as a 
>> hobby.   If were you I would do what I need to do to get done what 
>> you need to do, but I would stick with Ubuntu and for that you will 
>> be paid back many times over in satisfaction and good service from it.
>                         Doug
> Thank you Gentleman

I have a laptop that came with Windows 7 installed.  This desk top only 
Ubuntu. I thought, this way my life will be simpler and better.

All your words give me energy to continue.




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