Ubuntu 10.04 USB Mouse Problems reported by a number of, users.

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sat Jul 3 06:05:12 UTC 2010

NoOp wrote:
> On 07/02/2010 04:54 PM, Jay Ridgley wrote:
> > Suggestion was to try ctrl-alt-sysreq - NOTHING happened. The
> > keyboard is totally locked up...
> > 
> > Unplugging the USB devices and replugging them did not work either.
> > 
> > I have been running on a wireless sub-net and can't reach or be
> > reached from the other systems in my network. I will try a
> > hardwire connection early next week and try to see if I can get
> > any additional information that way.
> What is dmesg showing when all of this happens? Their _must_ be
> something in the /var/logs/ that is of use.

Well, if the system is frozen, there is no way to look at dmesg. And if 
the system is completely locked, there is no way for it to write 
anything to the system logs. To me it looks like it is completely locked 
because it isn't reachable over the wireless network.


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