ubuntu forums

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Fri Jul 2 14:41:58 UTC 2010

I wish this top posting argument would go away. If i were king it would. 
I would decide which it is to be for every list. I was threatened with 
removal from a list for bottom posting. I struggled hard to rember to 
top post. Now that is wrong in some places.  I have come to the 
conclusion that I will post where ever it suits me.  If the list mom 
wants to throw me off the list so be it.  I am really tired of this 
subject.  It is an impossible task to remember which lists to top post 
on and which to bottom post on.   Nutz to all of it, besides everyone 
seems to do what the want anyway.   Doug

On 07/02/2010 10:19 AM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 09:37:49 -0400
> Robert Steinmetz<rob at steinmetznet.com>  wrote:
>> Top Posting is not Evil, just different.
> Top posting is against the 'rules of the road' for this mailing list.[1]
> Here is a quote from that page (I've highlighted the appropriate
> passage with asterisks):
> "Technical guidelines
> Proper quoting:
> Proper quoting is very important on mailing lists, to ensure that it is easy to follow the conversation. There are four fundamental rules:
> When replying to an email, ensure that the email which you are replying to is indented with a symbol such as>  or | (this is usually done from the preferences of your email client - most should do this by default).
> When quoting, attribute the quoted text to the person who wrote it (again, most email clients will do this by default). Be careful to attribute the correct text to the correct person.
> ****Write your email underneath the email which you are replying to.
> Tailor your reply to fit the text which you are replying to. Do not quote the whole of the previous email - remove any unnecessary text. To avoid confusion, it's often a good idea to replace removed text with a brief indication that something has been removed, like [snip].
> HTML mail
> Avoid sending emails in HTML format, if possible. Some people may find
> it more difficult to read or reply to these emails. Also, HTML email
> takes up more space, so people with restricted Internet access will be
> happier to receive plain text emails."
> I include that last paragraph to point out that HTML is also considered
> to be a no-no.
> [1] http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/mailinglists
> Cybe R. Wizard

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