read extern drive in ubuntu

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Jul 1 13:27:49 UTC 2010

On 1 July 2010 14:13, Todd Edwards <tedwards at> wrote:

> I don't believe the format of the document is important in this case.
> The computer she is connecting the drive to needs to be able to read the
> file system on the drive. Being that it's an 'old' Macintosh drive I
> would have no idea though unfortunately. I know the new Apple computers
> use some flavor of EXT Journaled, but I'm still not sure if Ubuntu can
> read it or not. Maybe someone with a bit more Apple experience can chime
> in?

No. Macs do not use any "flavour of EXT" - not ext2, ext3 or ext4. As
I said in my earlier reply to this thread, they use HFS+ which Ubuntu
can read - in my experience, without any extra software needed.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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