Karmic Kapers

Derek dcredway at adam.com.au
Sun Jan 31 01:46:58 UTC 2010

Hi Mike the Answer Man

I loaded Hardy Heron 8.04 in late 2008 as dual boot with Windows XP.
Very pleased with package once dial up modem software was loaded after
few problems which resulted in setting Stupid Mode = 1 in 'wvdial'.
Slow dial up meant it was not possible to keep Hardy Heron up to date.

In Jan 2010 I received Ubuntu User Magazines issue 2 and 3 which
included Karmic Koala 9.10 DVD.  At last I could update my Ubuntu Linux
OS so I loaded DVD and was offered option to Install or Update.  I
ignorantly chose the later and that Koala thought the OS was gum leaves
and chewed it up!  After resetting the Linux partitions to free memory
via XP I was able to install 9.10 as dual boot with Windows XP again.  I
was curious why the last 25% of the install time was setting up for and
removing the rest of the worlds languages - why were they initially

Needless to say I eventually read the Update criteria in Ubuntu Help
files but then wondered why the option to update was even offered.  I
read about "Fixing Grub" on page 95 of UUM issue 3 so any attempt to
update was more than Karmic.  This raises the question of a triple boot
system - is that possible or beyond 'Grub'?

On the new 9.10 desk top I realised that the clock was 3 hours slow with
the correct time zone of Adelaide Australia set.  The time would not
stay reset to the correct time via System | Administration | Time and
Date.  I was only able to set the correct time clicking 'Appointments
and Tasks' icon and then Edit.  No password was required.  Very strange
or is this a known bug?

I was able to restore from a recent Evolution back up all my contacts,
accounts, filters and emails.  Very satisfying.  Pity the Firefox
browser does not have the same back up facility as this meant copying
Windows Firefox bookmarks as text to Ubuntu Firefox.

Then the martian_modem software was installed as in 8.04 but I can only
connect from Terminal with sudo wvdial.

I cannot run 'gnome-ppp' or with terminal non-root 'wvdial' which both
give the following: 
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
--> Cannot open /dev/ttySM0: Permission denied
--> Cannot open /dev/ttySM0: Permission denied
--> Cannot open /dev/ttySM0: Permission denied

I've put this problem on 2010-01-16 to answers.launchpad
but no answer yet.

As a single home user using slow dial up I'm finding it difficult to
become permanent root user.  Can you provide some advice or even a
magazine article?  For example does a folder permission need to changed
before a file in that folder permission can be changed? A local library
copy of THE OFFICAL UBUNTU BOOK Second Edition 2007 gives terminal
inputs which do not work as described.  I suspect this is due to

Please excuse the verbose nature of this query which does contain many
questions.  But I've been impressed with the depth of you answers, Mike

Regards  Derek Redway in Adelaide South Australia

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