Fwd: Could not mount ntfs partition in Ubuntu 9.10

Hakan Koseoglu hakan at koseoglu.org
Sun Jan 31 23:17:35 UTC 2010

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:55 PM, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>        I am trying to think how you fail to get a good .iso from the
> proper sites. This has never happened to me. Really odd.
I am very happy for you. It has happened to other people and there are
ways around it.

> I gather your still using Windows to d/l the file, can you think
> of a reason it would ruin the .iso file?
Using FTP with ASCII protocol will be sufficient. Also a noisy and
pretty frequently dropping DSL line will cause issues, especially when
the file is resumed. Bad disc sectors can't help either and none of
these have anything to do with Linux or Windows. Firefox on Ubuntu
9.10 had corrupted a 600MB download I've done from IBM a couple of
days ago and it was completely my fault because I insisted on using my
frequently-dropping Blackberry's 3G connection instead of waiting for
the next day and using a more reliable network.

>        Well now put the .iso on a cd-rom properly and you should be
> in business.
Thanks for the good advice. I shall always remember to put my ISO file
onto a cd-rom properly from now on.

Hakan (m1fcj) - http://www.hititgunesi.org

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