How to Install and Configure SNORT, ACIDBase, MySQL and Apache

Patton Echols p.echols at
Sun Jan 31 21:02:49 UTC 2010

On 01/30/2010 05:57 PM, Stifan Kristi wrote:
> Dear All,
> Is there anyone know how to install and configure SNORT, ACIDBase, 
> MySQL and Apache?
> I've followed the guide from ubuntu forum but meet an error.
> Attached my Step by step that I've got from ubuntu forum.
A couple of things if you want to make the most of this list:

First, copy your info into the body of the email.  Although the 
knowledgeable members of this list are certainly capable of reading 
attachments, some won't take the time.  The one that does not may be the 
one who knows the answer.

Second, This message does not tell what the error is (Or if it does, I 
can't find it)  Suggest you show what you ran and what the error message 
is.  Then someone may be able to help.  Same with your other questions.  
If you ask specific questions you get better answers.

Oh, and one topic per message, One for Snort, One for AcidBace, etc


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