Samba Password Authentication is failing

Peter Salzman p at
Sun Jan 31 08:12:00 UTC 2010

This problem has been kicking my butt for a couple of days now.  The
computer names are:

Linux: satan (Kubuntu)
Windows: lucifer (WinXP)

I want to mount Linux shares into "My Network Places" on Windows.  My
username on both machines is "p".    The security related directives
of the global section of smb.conf is:

  ### security
  security   = user
  encrypt passwords = true
  # passdb backend    = smbpasswd:/etc/samba/smbpasswd
  passdb backend    = tdbsam:/var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb
  browseable        = true

If I set the security model to "share" with zero security everything
works fine: I can access the Linux shares from the Windows machine.
However, I'm trying to set this up correctly.

Double clicking a share icon on the Windows machine (i.e. when I try
to access a Linux share), I get a Win error pop-up:

"\\Satan\tmp is not accessible.  You might not have permission to use
this network resource.  Logon failure: unknown user name or bad

On the Linux side, the log message says:

netbios connect: name1=SATAN           name2=LUCIFER
netbios connect: local=satan remote=lucifer, name type = 0
setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
all old resources.
Authentication for user [p] -> [p] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
Authentication for user [p] -> [p] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD

However, the passwords *should* be the same.   First, I verified that
my Linux Samba account exists using "pdbedit -Lv", and it looks good:

Unix username:        p
NT username:
Account Flags:        [U          ]
User SID:             S-1-5-21-861626965-82493899-2044239696-3000
Primary Group SID:    S-1-5-21-861626965-82493899-2044239696-513
Full Name:            Peter Jay Salzman,,,
Home Directory:       \\satan\p
HomeDir Drive:
Logon Script:
Profile Path:         \\satan\p\profile
Domain:               SATAN
Account desc:
Munged dial:
Logon time:           0
Logoff time:          never
Kickoff time:         never
Password last set:    Sat, 30 Jan 2010 14:18:16 EST
Password can change:  Sat, 30 Jan 2010 14:18:16 EST
Password must change: never
Last bad password   : 0
Bad password count  : 0

I set my Linux Samba password with:

    # smbpasswd -D10 -c /etc/samba/smb.conf p

and here's the general gist of the output:

    Attempting to find a passdb backend to match
tdbsam:/var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb (tdbsam)
    Found pdb backend tdbsam
    pdb backend tdbsam:/var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb has a valid init

(at which point I enter my Windows password, and then the verbose
output continues...)

tdbsam_open: successfully opened /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb
pdb_set_username: setting username p, was
pdb_set_domain: setting domain SATAN, was
pdb_set_nt_username: setting nt username , was
pdb_set_full_name: setting full name Peter Jay Salzman,,,, was
Home server: satan
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE
Finding user p
Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is p
Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [p]!
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_username: setting username p, was
pdb_set_domain: setting domain SATAN, was
pdb_set_full_name: setting full name Peter Jay Salzman,,,, was
Home server: satan
Unlocking key 555345525F7000
tdb_update_sam: Updating key for RID 3000
Locking key 5249445F303030303062
Allocated locked data 0x0x29fa620
Unlocking key 5249445F303030303062

The password file appears that it was updated:

    # ll /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb
      -rw------- 1 root root 36K 2010-01-30 15:06 /var/lib/samba/passdb.tdb
    # date
     Sat Jan 30  3:07 PM

Everything looks correct and healthy.   Please....  does anyone have
any ideas what could be happening?


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