Help needed with Shredder 3.1

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Sun Jan 31 05:31:33 UTC 2010

No matter what I do the new account wizard will not let me setup a new 
account.  It tries to setup the account but gets certain items wrong, 
but when click the edit button and correct them and then  click the 
create account button one of two things happens.  Either it displays the 
little rotating circle that indcates it is processing next to the 
username field until I cancel it or it pops up a message saying 
"Incoming server already exists"

If I click the Manual Setup button I get the "Incoming server already 
exists" message.

My understanding is it looks up isps in a database to get the settings 
it uses.  I tried entering bogus information I knew would not be in the 
database hoping then it would let me setup the account manually but all 
I get is the Incoming server message.

Between these attempts I completely remove Shredder using the Synaptic 
Pkg Mgr and manually delete the /.thunderbird directory.

This is all happening on an Ubuntu 9.10 amd64 installtion.

Thanks,  Jim

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