Installing to a USB Drive without a HD and not making it a "live CD".

Steve yorvik.ubunto at
Sat Jan 30 15:53:07 UTC 2010

On Sat, 30 Jan 2010 15:45:48 -0000, Knapp <magick.crow at> wrote:

> Hello,  I have a computer with a dead HD. I can boot it with the live
> Xubuntu CD (other don't work, to big). I can make the USB 8mb drive
> into a copy of the CD and boot it just fine but when I try to install
> to the USB Drive, the computer will not boot. How do I make the
> computer boot from the USB drive as if it were a HD with a normal
> install on it? I hope this is clear. Maybe I need to make my own
> bootalble ISO with the files I need? For example an ISO with all the
> updates? Don't know how to do that ether. In any case I have a
> complete system installed to the USB; if only I could get it to boot.
> Thanks all.
Currently only the live image is bootable from a flash drive.  However  
there is software to 'roll your own' live image, the name of which escapes  


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