mounting Windows share with drive letter [was: Fw: ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 65, Issue 307]

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sat Jan 30 07:53:12 UTC 2010

devendra paul wrote:
> Note: Forwarded message attached-- Original Message --From:

Please don't do that. The attached message has nothing to do with your 
question and attaching an entire digest message is only irritating. 
Please start a new mail instead (with many mail programs you only need 
to click the list address). Furthermore it helps to use a meaningful 
subject line.

>  Dear all please tell me how can map windows network drive
>  on ubuntu with drive latter this si very argent i wont to run
>  oracel application on ubuntu Thank's

There are no drive letters in Linux. There is only one big directory 
tree and you mount shares at arbitrary mount points within this 
directory tree. Furthermore I can't imagine that your "oracel 
application" needs a drive letter if it is a Linux version of the 
program. OTOH, maybe you want to run a Windows version of the 
application using Wine. Then please clarify what exactly you want to do 
and maybe someone else can help you setting up Wine accordingly.


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