hard disk drive resetting problem

nepal nepal.roade at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 29 03:52:28 UTC 2010

On Thursday 28 Jan 2010 23:48:53 Karl Auer wrote:
> I have a laptop here (new), and the hard disk is making a faint but
> constant buzz. It works fine, but I'm concerned that this buzz is a
> symptom of something damaging in the longer term, so wanted to
>  follow up the "resetting" problem.
Are you sure that it is the hard disk making the noise?

Since *buntu 9.xx my box here at home has turned into a professional 
mourner, it is at it right now, wail moan wail. I am not sure but 
believe this is a graphics problem, apart from lousy performance it 
makes a big song and dance about it too!, but it certainly isn't the 
hard drive in my case.


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