How to indicate paths

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at
Thu Jan 28 09:20:29 UTC 2010

Xandros Pilosa さんは書きました:
> Dne 24.01.2010 (ned) ob 00:21 +0900 je Thomas Blasejewicz zapisal(a):
>> Sorry, I forgot to mention, that I actually tried to manually enter the 
>> path:
>> /media/SPEICHER/Dictionaries
>> It did not help. The error remains.
> Another thing ( a guess actualy) maybe the program itself does not allow
> to change Dictionary Group path once it has been added. You may consider
> removing or even better creating a new Dictionary Group and direct it to
> the right path.
> Regards
Good evening
I tried that too: delete the group -> create a new one. Try to do the 
"disk search". Does not work.
Just for the fun of it, I copied at least ONE dictionary file onto the 
built-in HDD (here: /home/thomas/dictionaries),
delete all previous groups,
create a new one
indicate the path by (1) dragging it into the field / (2) manually 
entering it.
Does not work.
I always get: "Failed to open directory ..."
As far as I can tell, I have all access rights to that directory.

Are there any other ideas?

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