Grub disk: something automatic?

Goh Lip g.lip at
Tue Jan 26 03:04:15 UTC 2010

On 01/26/2010 06:37 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

>> Notice it says 9.04 (on /dev/sda9) then set root=(hd0,9) which
>> is an error when using grub-1.
>>         Why they do this is anyones guess!

Morning, just got up. Saw the messages and have to reply now.
Dotan, please keep in mind for grub2, and this goes for karmic onwards, 
you cannot do a sudo grub at the terminal. It's only for grub-legacy.
Naming convention is (hd0,x) for sdax, grub-legacy is 1 number less, ie 
for grub-legacy, sdax is (hd0,x-1). It's important to know that. If in 
doubt, do a search as per my earlier message. Anyway, it's good to 
confirm it too with that search.

Karl, I know you're trying to help, thanks.

regards - goh lip

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