Virtualbox won't import appliance

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Jan 25 17:36:40 UTC 2010

On 01/24/2010 08:52 AM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
> I have Virtualbox setup and running on a 32 bit system with XP as a 
> guest.  Everything is working well and now I want to transfer it to a 
> new 64 bit system I am setting up.
> My research indicated that the package in the repository probably won't 
> run on my 64 bit system so I downloaded the amd64.deb package from Sun.I 
> used dpkg to install it and now have it up and running.
> I used Virtualbox on the 32 bit system to export the XP guest. It 
> produced XP.ovf and XP.vmdk which I  transferred  to my new machine. 
> When I try to import it on the Virtualbox there the inport wizzrd sees 
> the XP.ovf file but when I select it and click next I get a pop up 
> saying "failed to import appliance"
> Can anyone who has done this please give me guidence?
> Thanks,  Jim

Not trying to fob you off, but your best bet would be to ask on the
VirtualBox users list. Generally folks there are quite responsive &
several developers hang out there as well:
[VirtualBox user discussions list]

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