html5 youtube google chrome

Hal Burgiss hal at
Mon Jan 25 13:53:55 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 06:22:55AM -0700, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> 	For an old man who has no idea what html5 is, or what it 
> does, can someone point me to a place to just learn what it is 
> with some examples?

I am sure wikipedia has a nice explantion. 

In a nutshell it is the next generation standard for displaying web content.
Those standards tell a web browser how to display various types of content.
It is the successor to HTML4 and XHTML, and is being pushed by Google and
others. The current standards are quiet ancient. Chrome, Safari and FF are
beginning to support various aspects of html5. 

Most relevant to the current discussion is the "video" tag that is part of the
new standard and allows streaming video content in formats other than flash,
which is a closed, proprietary product from Adobe (though "free" and readily
available). Both google and vimeo have html5 beta programs.


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