html5 youtube google chrome

Hal Burgiss hal at
Sun Jan 24 23:07:37 UTC 2010

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 09:26:02PM +0100, Vadkan Jozsef wrote:
> What do I need to watch html5 videos on youtube with Google Chrome?
> Now, it's just loading, and loading the html5 video, but it doesn't
> starts.
> Maybe missing codec?
> Please, if someone has a howto/doc, post it.

I don't have that, but it worked for me on first try. I am not using the beta,
but the alpha/dev build. Not sure if that's a factor. The videos on youtube
are using h264 protocol which *I think* on my system is supported by the
w32codecs package. That's a bit of a guess though since I didn't have to
install anything new to make it work. You might try that.


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