Ubuntu 8.10 Samba Winbind PAM Configuration

Robert Steinmetz rob at steinmetznet.com
Sun Jan 24 01:17:22 UTC 2010

I have found a configuration which seem to work much better. I need to 
do some more testing to see if it resolves the original problem.

On 1/23/2010 3:56 PM, Robert Steinmetz wrote:
> I have an 8.10 server It is a Member Server of a NT style Domain.
> Apparently there is no PAM configuration supplied to use winbind.
> The libraries are installed but the pam_winbind.conf  file is not 
> placed in the /etc/security file so pam-auth-update does not update 
> the pam confiquration. There is an example pam_winbind.conf file, but 
> all of the options seem to be commented out.
> Can someone please explain how to set up pam to use winbind?
> *
> *

*Robert Steinmetz, AIA*
*Steinmetz & Associates*
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