Switching a friend to Ubuntu

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 21 22:46:08 UTC 2010

On 01/21/2010 07:58 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2010/1/21 NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net>:
>> On 01/20/2010 03:13 AM, Avi Greenbury wrote:
>>> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>>> > Please any positive advice on what *buntu would be best for my
>>>> > friend?
>>>> >
>>>> Flamewar! I prefer Kubuntu for Windows converts.
>>> I'd echo this, but add that if you do want to change the UI to make it
>>> more Windowsy, you should be going for familairty and a consistency of
>>> logic, not just aping Windows. I'd stick with vanilla KDE, though.
>>> Apart from anything else, HowTo's stay accurate and pertinent.
>>> If it looks *exactly* like Windows, he's going to expect it to be
>>> Windows underneath, and it isn't. I've seen many people get put off
>>> Linux by having a go on a Linux install that's trying very hard to be
>>> exactly the same as Windows - you never get all of it, and the small
>>> differences can be terribly confusing, especially to the less computer
>>> literate.
>> Mumbles to self...
>> Gnome. Right click the bottom panel and click "Add to Panel" and then
>> add 'Main Menu'. Put it in the left most side of the bottom panel move
>> the Desktop icon just to the right & tell them that is the 'Start' menu.
>> Move the calendar/clock down to the lower right of the bottom panel, add
>> a few icons on the desktop: home folder, trash, firefox, whatever.
>> Adjust the bottom left of the panel to show a firefox & OOo icon &
>> remove the top panel if you wish & you're pretty much done. If you want
>> it to look like Win7, just modify the compiz settings to your hearts
>> content :-)
>> The above works and appears more "Windows like" than KDE ever has (IMO).
> This site has instructions and a video for making Ubuntu look like Windows:
> http://ubuntu.online02.com/node/14

Had a bit of a laugh following the
link on that page :-)(

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