Switching a friend to Ubuntu

nepal nepal.roade at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 21 13:23:31 UTC 2010

(note to the reader. there are no smileys included, you decide what is 
funny for you)

On Wednesday 20 Jan 2010 17:55:11 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > You can modify the Ubuntu desktop to make it similar like MS.
> > Windows... Wants easy? Just use LinuxMint!
> One of the developers of Linux Mint personally insulted me and my
> nation. 

What did they do, put the words genocide and palestinians in the same 

What did you do to provoke them?

and what does that have to do with a technical support list? 

Ooops, already know that one.

> He also specifically asked that we do not use Linux Mint. 

Isn't that like you recommending to others to use or not use a distro?

> I
> really don't know why he releases his software under the GPL, then,
> but in any case I will respect his wishes and not use his software.
> Nor do I recommend it to others.

Why because of your own emotional disturbance? hardly a sound basis 
for anything (except insanity), human emotion! 
> -- 
> Dotan Cohen

If you are going to tar and feather folks for a few words and request 
others join with you in your hubris...careful what you wish for.


grow up already.


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