using an ipod

Hal Burgiss hal at
Thu Jan 21 11:24:02 UTC 2010

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 02:53:28PM +0530, Swapnil Jain wrote:
> Dear Norman,
> i use gtkpod for my old 8GB iPod classic, its a very good application
> available in ubuntu to manage you apple ipods. i am not confirmed about the
> new ipod, it might work. you can also have a look at the following links.

I use gtkpod as well for my 128G ipod. It works fairly well, except albumn
covers seems to be an issue. Last time I looked (which was some time ago),
that was a known issue for gtkpod (and any player using libgtkpod), and not
much of a priority for developers.

And you can pretty much forget iTunes (probably a good thing though IMO). 


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