Location of, or command to get installed date and time of a package.

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 21 02:37:18 UTC 2010

Ray Parrish wrote:
> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>> Ray Parrish wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is there a quick one line command that will return the installed date,
>>> and time of a software package in Linux, or Ubuntu more specifically?
>>> Alternatively, is that data in a file somewhere in the file system? I'm
>>> sure it is, as Synaptic Package Manager has the data to look at, I just
>>> do not know where it stores the data.
>>> I can parse the file myself, if I can discover where it resides.
>>> Thanks for any help you can be.
>>> Later, Ray Parrish
>> ls -al or ls -als<pkg name>  if I understand your question.
>> Compare to the pkg info in synaptic to see if what you want.
> Hello,
> I tried that, and it must need an absolute pathname for the package, as
> with no path name it just returns "no such file or directory".
> Later, Ray Parrish
You are correct. Best to run from a dir where apps are stored; /usr/bin, 
/usr/local, /usr/sbin, etc &etc, and in $HOME where you
may have programs installed.

lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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