
accessys at accessys at
Wed Jan 20 14:51:08 UTC 2010

yes I understandy your pain.  I am loathe to update via the internet. heck 
I hate updating period....

if you have got it working and there is no problems I tend to just "Leave 
it alone"


On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, LN Smith wrote:

> Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 09:41:49 -0500
> From: LN Smith <smith at>
> Reply-To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
>     <ubuntu-users at>
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Subject: Help!
> I am starting to get frustrated with this ubuntu operating system! I
> received this HP Mini 1000 as a gift with ubuntu installed on it. When I was
> out at a wifi location to receive the internet, it wanted to update the
> software so I figured what the hack! Right and update is a good thing! It
> will give me 9.0 upgrade and things will go good! BOY was I wrong!
>            First thing that happened is that I lost my connection before it
> was completely finished. The program did not want to come back, finally I
> downloaded the 9.0 onto a USB stick and installed it that way! Problem over
> right? WRONG!  I lost the drivers for the Broadcom 43 drivers to connect
> wireless to the internet! And can not connect to the internet with my cell
> phone because it will not recognize the drivers for my Motorola V9mm phone!
>            Does any one have any suggestion? I would really like to get the
> drivers back on the wireless BCM 4312 802.11b/g so I can at least connect to
> the internet! I have tried to reinstall them and download them but they will
> still not recognize them. Tried to install the fwcutter tool and activate
> the file for the drivers but it times out or tells that it is corrupted!
> Thanks
> LN Smith

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