ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 65, Issue 203

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Wed Jan 20 10:14:00 UTC 2010

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 04:51:27PM -0700, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> 	Sorry, what I want to do is understand your computer.
> 73 is Morse code for Best Wishes
73 isn't morse code for anything, morse code is dots and dashes.  What
you actually mean is that 73 is an abbreviation used in (mostly)
amateur radio circles to reduce the amount of morse code dots and
dashes required to say 'best wishes and goodbye', it's often used when
signing off and saying goodbye to someone.  It became so well known
that it's used when *spoken* as well.

Chris Green

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