Switching a friend to Ubuntu

Swapnil Jain swapnil at pisces.net.in
Wed Jan 20 10:10:06 UTC 2010


A very good initiative, i would recommend install Kubuntu it looks similar to Windows and will be easy for him.

Swapnil Jain ( http://swapnil-indore.blogspot.com/ )
Networking & Security Consultant ( http://www.pisces.net.in )
Indore, India
E-mail: swapnil at pisces.net.in
GTalk : swapnil at pisces.net.in
MSN: jswapnil at hotmail.com
Skype : sj1410
YIM   : sj1410

On 20-Jan-2010, at 3:32 PM, Alain Muls wrote:

> Hi All
> I finally convinced a friend of mine to try out Linux.
> He uses Windows but he is very unaware of what one can do with a 
> computer. He only uses OpenOffice, firefox and the Windows Vista mail 
> client. Sevreal problems pop up on his Windows such as updates which he 
> does not understand, a gradually slowing down, Virus scanner for which 
> he has to pay, etc. He also uses all his apps in full screen mode, it is 
> less distracting for him. Also I would describe him as a real Noob.
> He is willing to try out Ubuntu on his Desktop. Now I wonder what would 
> be best for him: install Ubuntu or UNR?
> Please any positive advice on what *buntu would be best for my friend?
> Tx/Alain
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Alain Muls                                   alain.muls at rma.ac.be
> Royal Military Academy                              +32.2.7426340
> Department CISS                                 srt +32.2.7426476
> Renaissance Avenue 30, B1000 Brussels
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