Slow Typing and Heavy Xorg Processor Usage in 9.04

Paul Johnson pauljohn32 at
Wed Jan 20 04:59:23 UTC 2010

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 12:42 AM, Anoop John <anoopjohn at> wrote:
> I am totally lost here. Can anybody please point me to some tips
> regarding this issue.
> Thanks
> Anoop
> --

I have seen this symptom before. There is a feature for people with
visual disabilities that causes the system to type very slowly.  For
people who have disabiities, they sometimes get a lot of accidental
repeats with their fingers on the keys for too long.  Once or twice, I
have accidentally turned on the gnome disability supporter and it
produced exactly the effect you describe. If you google for "gnome
sticky slow keys" you will find out about how you might have
accidentally turned it on and how to turn it off.


Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas

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