Best Music player

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Tue Jan 19 09:52:22 UTC 2010

On Tue, 2010-01-19 at 10:44 +0100, Bas Roufs wrote:
>         1. Rhythmbox 
>         2. Amarok
>         3. Audacious
>         4. Banshee
>         5. Songbird
>         I suggest you try them all then decide which best suites yo

> One package I would like to add to this list: VLC. This one is also
> quite practical for online radio and tv stations.
> My choice between VLC and Amarok depends from the specific situation.
> It is always useful to try different multimedia packages. 

VLC is better for videos than just listening to music...

I'd like to add gmusicbrowser to this list. I used to use Amarok for
managing my music collection, but when they 'upgraded' to the new 3.x
versions, it erased all my music collection's preferences, I lost all my
plugins, and they removed almost every last thing about the interface
that made me want to use it. After that, I started using gmusicbrowser,
and have been very happy with it.

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