dd problem

user1 bqz69 at telia.com
Sun Jan 17 15:20:55 UTC 2010

On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 16:04:30 +0100, Markus Schönhaber wrote:

> 15.01.2010 03:03, Karl F. Larsen:
>> 	I see you like to take PRIVATE emails and put them on a list.
> Oh, poor boy...........

I find it easier to use a newsreader (I use Pan, as it has worked very 
well for me) instead of your e-mail client  for managing your mailing 

Install Pan using synaptic (in ubuntu).

Add as news server:

Pan - Edit - Edit News Servers - Add - "news.gmane.org"

Add your e-mail address:

Pan - Edit - Edit Posting Profiles - "your e-mail address"

Then Search for "gmane.linux.ubuntu.user" as group name (use 
search box top left in Pan) and then right click on the found group and 
choose "subscribe".

Please note, that there is thousands of other mailing list groups out 

gmane.linux.ubuntu.user (is the group for ubuntu-users mailing list)

Practical setup items:

Pan - Edit - Edit Preferences - Behaviour - Groups - mark "Get new 
headers in subscribed groups on start up".

Pan - Groups - Get headers - Get all headers. 
This item makes it very important, that ALL subject lines in all posts to 
be very DESCRIPTIVE. Then it will be possible to search very distinct for 
answers. That is if you have all headers of a newsgroup downloaded in 
Pan, you can more easily find your answers. Search in subject lines is 
done in top right search box in Pan.

Pan - View - Header Pane - Choose "Thread Headers" (to sort articles by 
threads (toggle on/of)).

When you post/follow up first time you will receive an e-mail asking 
you to reply to the mail (to verify that you are you), and when you have 
done that you are up to use 
the mailing list group using Pan.

This should be done for each new newsgroup you subscribe to.

Using Pan for your mailing lists also give you a much better overview of 
your mailing lists I think.

Sorry that I repeat the usefullness of Pan, but it took me several years 
to find out how much more easy it is to use Pan for your mailing lists - 
a very important "weapon" for getting help in the linux world I find. 


If anybody has problems with certain spam articles/authors and use Pan 
newsreader they can do:

Select the article/s

Then choose: Pan - Articles - Edit Articles watch/ignore/score - Add - 
If the group name is "gmane.linux.ubuntu.user - (or whatever the group 
name is)
Author - 
Ignore the article - 
Forever - 
Add and rescore

Then they get rid of the culprit/s *humor*

At a later time they can go back and edit what they did if they so 
desire  :-)

See also this link:      http://kb.iu.edu/data/afhc.html 

More information about the ubuntu-users mailing list