Beginner Q3: Is there a way of permanently unlocking the keyring?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Jan 17 14:11:48 UTC 2010

2010/1/17 Thomas Blasejewicz <thomas at>:
> Good evening
> I have set "system - administration - login" to automatically login.
> Yet, every time I start the computer I am asked to "unlock the keyring".
> Searching the official documentation I could not find anything.

Right click on the Network Manager applet in the top panel and select
Edit Connections.  Select Auto Eth0 or similar if using wired
connection, or the appropriate connection on the Wireless tab
otherwise and click Edit.  Check that Available to All Users is
selected.  If it is not then select it and apply.  Google leads me to
believe that that may fix your problem, or it may not.  I don't think
it does any harm though.


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